We are committed. Free will, regardless of financial background, should be accessible to all.

Many people in Switzerland live in problematic financial circumstances. Although poverty often remains invisible, it significantly impairs self-determination, for example when people are forced to leave their own house because certain social benefits are only granted in a retirement or nursing home.

We are financed by donations, legacies, service contracts and contributions from other foundations. As a recognized Charity, your donations are tax-deductible.

You can donate conveniently via Twint, document or bank transfer!

For legacies and further information, please contact us directly.

Thank you very much for your support!

Bank details

Büro-Spitex Stiftung
Webereistrasse 57
8134 Adliswil

CH06 0070 0114 9021 0880 6
Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zürich

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